Abortion Access Now PEI Challenges PEI's Abortion Policy
"It is clear to us that nothing short of a court order will prompt the government to comply with its obligations to PEI residents under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms"
2016-01-07 14:52:38
Abortion Access Now PEI files a Notice of Application in the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island against the Government of PEI (Minister of Health and Wellness)
CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI, January 5, 2016 – Today, Abortion Access Now PEI has advised the Deputy Attorney General that we intend to file a Notice of Application in the Supreme Court of Prince Edward Island against the Government of PEI (Minister of Health and Wellness). Pursuant to s. 10(2) of the Crown Proceedings Act, RSPEI 1988, c C-32, we are obliged to provide the government with 90 days notice of our intended proceedings. “For over two decades, we have advocated for on-Island, safe, legal access to abortion. Unfortunately, it is clear to us that nothing short of a court order will prompt the government to comply with its obligations to PEI residents under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.” said Ann Wheatley co-chair of Abortion Access Now PEI. Every other province provides safe legal access to abortion within their jurisdictions. “Only PEI refuses to do so. It is time for our equality rights to matter. PEI’s discriminatory and unlawful abortion policy must end.” Dr. Colleen MacQuarrie, co-chair of Abortion Access Now PEI concluded. With our planned legal challenge, Abortion Access Now PEI will seek full and unrestricted access to on-Island, publicly-funded abortion services for PEI women. We welcome your support in our legal challenge. We are proud to be represented by Nijhawan McMillan Barristers of Halifax, and to receive litigation support from the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF), a national, equality rights organization. Donations in support of the case can be made via the LEAF website, here and more information about the legal challenge is available here.